RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds – Latest Spy News from Agent Bertram

Allowing news and comment from the world of spies espionage and financial shenanigans.  Here we give everyone a say in our aggregated RSS Feeds, unless for some reason we don’t like them…  Whilst we will make every effort to ensure that nothing nasty gets through, please be aware that these are live feeds.  If you want to see another RSS Feed here, please drop us a line and we’ll put it to the committee for consideration.

Agent Bertram working in the shadows

Remember that Agent Bertram, apart from being a spy employed by Her Majesty The Queen, is also a fair minded and reasonable chap.  His personal motto is, “My door is always open. Unless you are a bad chap…”

Current committee members :- Agent Bertram; Agent Gertrude; Sir Tarquin Featherstone-Dunby; Control; Hoofdcommissaris Zwaard; Brigadier Binkij Dwarf.