Some more Tweets from my ‘International Publicity Campaign!’

Agent Bertram in a covert surveillance operation! Can you spot him?

Note the friendly greeting above the Carlton’s door.

Agent_Bertram_HotelMore tweets below…

Agent Bertram. A man who goes underground every day!


“Did you see Agent Bertram at the ball game?” “Could you miss him?”


A young Paul Simon gets his Agent Bertram Award for singing some very good songs!


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Agent Bertram. Bertram spends most of his time at The Ministry fulfilling his role as an intelligence analyst, looking after the interests of Her Majesty The Queen and finding ever more ingenious ways to ensure that The Duke of Edinburgh stays out of trouble... When the need arises Agent Bertram is seconded to The Netherlands Secret Service to help his chums fight dastardly crime in Amsterdam. This is where he has most of his thrilling adventures.

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