Some Tweets from my new ‘International Publicity Campaign!’

The latest photo tweets.


Bertram & Gertrude Festival, Tampa, Florida. Campaign run by the author John Needham!




@AgentBertram An advertisement appeared just around the corner from my London office.




Bertram & Gertrude’s Steamy Amsterdam Weekend on Amazon Kindle. Download today!


Bertram & Gertrude’s Steamy Amsterdam Weekend. Even baby Pandas love it!

Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at 10.12.38 


@AgentBertram INTERNATIONAL MONSTER SELLER – A great read for international monsters!



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Agent Bertram. Bertram spends most of his time at The Ministry fulfilling his role as an intelligence analyst, looking after the interests of Her Majesty The Queen and finding ever more ingenious ways to ensure that The Duke of Edinburgh stays out of trouble... When the need arises Agent Bertram is seconded to The Netherlands Secret Service to help his chums fight dastardly crime in Amsterdam. This is where he has most of his thrilling adventures.

2 thoughts on “Some Tweets from my new ‘International Publicity Campaign!’”

  1. Why does baby panda appear to be being sworn in? Do we need to take an oath to read about the Steamy Amsterdam Weekend? Because I have been furtively reading here and remain, as yet, unsworn (except for a quick ‘bugger’, but that was stubbing my toe on the bedhead).

    1. No no, you misunderstand. The baby panda is laughing!
      Actually considering that he’s such a youngster, he swears like a trooper! Perhaps that is why you thought that he was being ‘sworn in’.
      He is a slow reader, as he’s still only on page forty-two but I have learned that the species has excellent retention especially for jokes.

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