I need to get something straight at the outset of this short piece. I am not a natural Trumpite. There it is – I’ve said it!
However I am a Spy and I do have access to intelligence that most folk do not.
As a person who believes in fair play, and as a chap who is ambiguous towards The Donald, I shall probably be called a Racist, Fascist, Hitler and all the other puerile labels that the Progressive Liberals use to shut down debate and avoid having to think-through their carefully recited, posturing, virtue signalling, rhetoric but I shall not remain silent as this whole debacle has gone too far.
I knew long before the election campaign, that the Clintons were dodgy to the point of utter corruption, just as surely as I knew also that I would in all likelihood never invite The Donald around for a meal. However, I watched the TV news campaigns with increasing alarm as their traditional non-partisan approach was hurled out of the window in favour of a ‘Let’s stick it to Trump’ campaign.
Now, I know that The Donald can be an abrasive man and his manners could do with a little polishing but this turned into a libellous Progressive Liberal onslaught of gargantuan proportions.
It begged a question, “Have the cognoscenti lost their blooming marbles?” This was quickly followed by another question, “Do the cognoscenti not realise who owns the news media and who it is that is organising this anti-Trump hate campaign?” (If you can’t think who it is please write in to admin@bertramandgertrude.com and I will elucidate further).

The behaviour of the Progressive Liberal Left since the election has been simply shameful. To say that these pathologically altruistic limp wristed loons went into meltdown would be the understatement of the year… and the year has only just begun! When, in a civilised society, has it been acceptable to riot because you don’t like the outcome of a democratically run election? Who do these people think they are?
I hope that the traditional American way of “We all stand behind the President,” soon reasserts itself or we will have troops on the streets!
Get a grip, you great big cry baby mamby pambies! You lost and you lost despite your vicious campaign of defamation against Trump. Hillary Clinton proved to be as electable as Pol Pot! There’s no point bleating on about “The Popular Vote” like it has ever had any significance before. The rules are the rules and your side lost in a truly monumental fashion. Deal with it and deal with it quickly because the devil rides out and he’s heading our way!
AMERICA AND EUROPE ARE UNDER THREAT and you degenerate losers will all be converting to Islam if you don’t stand up and fight. We have a common cause and if we don’t act together we are done for!